What Mysteries Spurred Human Interest In Exploring The Universe| 7 Biggest Unsolved Mysteries of the Universe ||

Universe is so vast that we don't even know a very very small fraction about it. And when we reach a new point in exploring it, we crashes into something unbelievable which is unanswerable by humans. As time passes new theories comes up with unique ideas, but nothing could be said 100% true. And these unbelievable incidents are what we call mysteries which boosts humans' interest to explore universe at their best. With hundreds of researches happening everyday, there is always something mysterious we find which are still unexplained. So today, I brought you some of the most frightening and unanswerable mysteries which made humans more curious to discover about universe.

1. The Beginning
The beginning of Universe. The origin. Still the biggest mystery of all time. Even if you take Stephen Hawking's  Big Bang Theory, believe me we do not have any rock hard proof of it. This is the most fascinating curiosity which is pulling cosmologists' leg over decades. The mystery of nothing. What's outside space and universe? Where was the initial singularity? All these are also included in the same.

2. Dark Energy: One of The Biggest Mystery

If you really holds some interest in universe, then I am sure you definitely must have heard this term already. Dark Energy is a form of energy which is believed to occupy the whole universe which we cannot encounter with our normal human eyes. It is known to affect universe on the largest scales.
It is a force that is believed to be making the universe larger since the Big Bang. It is also said that we see only 5% of the universe. In simple words, pull your eyes out of this screen and see ahead. The space you will see is not complete. Still there is 95% matter and energy which is not visible to us. And that space is occupied with dark energy and dark matter. Since, many theories have been developed that dark matter (or we can say dark energy) not at all exist. However, nothing is completely proved so dark energy still maintains its place on Number 2.

3. Intelligent Alien Life
Note at the word Intelligent here. Aliens can also be in the form of micro-organisms. But here, I mean  those aliens whose image flashes first in our mind when we listen the word aliens.

We still not have any evidence about where do they exist. And if you believe that their is no alien life, then you misunderstood the universe. The universe is billions of years old with uncountable galaxies and millions of trillions of stars and still thinking that we are alone, will be the biggest misinterpretation we can ever make.

4. Reason of Existence of Universe
What is the purpose of existence of universe? This question looks stupid. But if you close your eyes, concentrate your mind, and think peacefully to this question, you will find yourself in another world. This question is much deeper than it looks. If any special largest consciousness exists in the universe, then what is its need? If you are reading this with an open mind, then you will realize that this question needs only word. Why?

5. Mysterious Waves Coming From Universe

Some years back, scientists discovered some suspicious waves coming from universe. There is no idea from where they were originated. But here comes the plot twist. Scientists estimated that those waves, were traveling with the speed more than that of light. According to Einstein's Special Relativity, it is nearly impossible for anything to travel faster than light. This mystery is still unsolved and scientists are putting their toe to head to solve this mystery.

6. Is Ours The Only Universe? Does life also exists in other dimensions?
Yes, here I am talking about the multiverse or Parallel Universe, whatever we say. It is a concept that there can be other universes too beyond ours. But it's not important that they are the same as ours. It can be that they have different laws of physics, different conditions of nature and completely different creatures than ours. Description of Parallel Universe can stretch as much as our imagination. Or let me clear a little more, multiverses are what Doctor Strange saw in his 14 million outcomes.

7. Universal Consciousness

Is Universe conscious? Is there any big consciousness present in the Universe? Are we being controlled? And if we come on Earth, is every particle we see, is conscious? No matter how we classify them. In principle, some purely physical systems that are not biological or organic may also be conscious. But that may in between is what makes it more philosophical and interesting. It is nearly impossible to know about it but we can only predict.

Decoding the mysteries of universe is not possible. We can only notice the universe and predict things. For example, it is just like a person watching a game of chess who don't know anything about it. The person will only predict the rules in each and every move but will never be able to understand the game. We, humans, are just like that person who is trying to understand Universe. We will definitely get to know about some basic things happening all around but will never be able to clearly understand it. We will only keep on making predictions and theories by observation till we can and will keep on moving in this cycle only.

Thanks For Reading
                                  - Parth Mittal


  1. This universe is complete mysterious. There are thousands of mystery that we don't know. We are just a small part of this universe. May be there are thousands of other universe exist and we even don't know what's there.

    1. Yes, you are absolutely right!

  2. Nice bro
    Keep it up
    And continue digging articles

  3. Btw
    Strip the cosmos
    How universe works
    Thoda km dekha kr🤣

  4. Very informative article.. keep it up..👏👏

  5. Literally Amazing!


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