Proof That Universe Is Expanding | Universe Expanding | Proof Of Universe Expansion |

Stephen Hawking's theory that universe is expanding was really astonishing. He made most of his theories on this idea only and scientists are still working on it to know more about universe. From the burst of singularity to finding velocity of the expansion of universe, cosmologists are working very hard to get to a concluding observation. But the theory on which cosmologists are scratching their heads, has really any evidence? And the answer is Yes, it has. Let us find out how.

Violet Shift And Red Shift
In order to find this out, we first have to understand what Violet and Red Shifts are. This idea is based on the Doppler's Effect. According to this effect, if an object is coming towards us, then it will show an increase in frequency of light waves from our perspective. Similarly, if an object is moving away from us then the frequency of it's light wave will keep on decreasing.
Now coming back to the red and violet shifts, we will understand it by an example.
Suppose, you are standing on a footpath to cross the road. Now a bus with very loud sound is coming near you. The more it will move towards you, the more sound you will listen. And the more it is coming towards you the more the frequency of it's light waves will be. And I guess that you all know that violet light wave has the highest frequency and red has the lowest one.

Now, when an object approaches, it turns a little bluish (or say, violet) because the frequency is increasing.
Note that this bluish effect is not visible with normal human naked eyes. And this effect is known as the Violet Shift.

So now when the vehicle is approaching away from you, it turns a little reddish like this, which is again not visible with human eyes.
And this effect is known as Red Shift.
I hope that till now you would have understood the Violet Shift and the Red Shift. Now, let us find out how it is related to the theory of expansion of universe.

Proof of Universe Expansion By Red Shift
With years of observations scientists have found that stars shows red shift. As time passes stars shows some red shift on them. It has been measured through various scientific instruments that their light contains more and more red color with time. It is only possible if stars are moving away from us with respect to time. Which simply means that the universe/ or the space between it is continuously expanding. This shows how universe keeps on expanding. It also proves that this was not just a theory, but something which has evidence. However, one thing can never explain universe completely. There are exceptions everywhere, and so here. And we will never know what's behind everything. But there is still something which is completely explained, and that is Stephen Hawking was a Genius.

Thanks for  Reading
                        -Parth Mittal


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