Mars Sample Return Mission|| Results, Consequences| Pros and Cons of Mars Sample Return NASA||

Recently, NASA and ESA (European Space Agency) have collaborated to bring rock and soil samples from Mars back to the Earth. Obviously it will be a historic program which will open doors to explore Mars. But as everything has a positive and negative side, this mission will also have a negative side along with positive. But this time, the negative one is something much serious. First of all, let's take a look on the advantages of mission.

Pros of Sample Return Mission
Once the samples will return to our home planet, each and every space organization participating in this event will get to work on the red planet's soil and rocks which will benefit a lot. It will help scientists and astronauts by letting them more extensively analyzing the samples than it could be done by instruments transferred to Mars. Scientists will physically and chemically analyze the samples which will provide clues about the past lives existing on Mars. There are many conspiracy theories, that alien life exists on Mars. Many theories also says that human life also used to exist there. But first let me clear what I mean by aliens. See, it is not necessary that they are aliens.

No one saw these people. They are just a representation of extra terrestrial beings which humans have made. Aliens can be of any type. Even like these. 👇.

And by aliens, I really mean these only. And if they get freedom to roam freely out of the laboratories, then it will create a mess. How? Let us look.

Cons of NASA's Upcoming Mission
As we all know that Mars is completely new for us. We don't even know 0.1% about it. And taking risk in a new and completely different task is the worst thing you can do. Risk? We, humans, are living on this planet Earth for millions of years and that's why we know around everything about it. We know about most of the bacteria, pathogens, etc, present here. Where they are useful, and where they can turn out to be a curse. But taking samples of Mars's soil, can prove in a lot of bacteria, viruses, pathogens, etc. to land on Earth wrapped inside the Mars's land for billions of years. Yes, everything will be studied under laboratories but even if one sample escapes, it will lead to a big issue. There will be a new disease which will spread in the whole world. And this will not be as simple corona virus. This will prove to be much fatal.

Are We Ready For The Next Outbreak?
Absolutely NO. We can't even think that diseases from Mars will be cured at least for some decades. Just have a comparison by taking example of corona. Corona is a virus which was built on Earth only. And we still are not able to find it's vaccine or any cure. Now not going any further into our imagination, even if we say that only one pathogen escapes from the research areas then it will make everyone curse nothing but Science only. And these diseases will not be as simple as corona. They can spread through mediums which we can't even guess.

Exploring things is also necessary but it is needed to take precautions of what we cannot handle.

Thanks for Reading.
                                              - By Parth Mittal
