That's How Hindu Scriptures And Einstein's Relativity Are Inter-connected

The Einstein's infamous Theory of relativity and the great Hindu scriptures shares a great significance. In our vast history there are incidences which connects to Albert Einstein's theory which also proves that Einstein's theory is not just a Theory. So, first of all let's head towards the theory of relativity.

What Actually Theory of Relativity says?

Now most of you would be already knowing about Relativity but the ones who don't, let me explain in simple words. Einstein's theory of special relativity says that time slows down or speeds up depending on how fast you move relative to something else. For example, approaching the speed of light, a person inside a spaceship would age much slower than his/her twin at home.

Source: Google

How they are Interconnected?

There goes an old incident during the end of Dwapur Yuga (around 5000 years back) which is mentioned in our holy texts. When lord Krishna was enjoying and eating butter with his friends, Brahma, the divine god, was watching it from Brahmalok (The place where Brahma is believed to live). Watching the intense love of Krishna towards his friends and cows, Brahma, decided test it. He abducted Krishna's friends and cows and took them to the Brahmalok when Krishna was not around. After coming back and not finding his friends and cows, the almighty understood the plan of Brahma. But he remained calm and divided himself into many forms and took the place of his friends and cows by changing his avatar.
After some time in Brahmalok and around 1 year on Earth (according to Einstein's theory)
Brahma looked back to Earth and found that Krishna's friends were present there and then he looked back and found his friends in Brahmalok too. He understood that this was the Maya (illusion) of Krishna.

Final Conclusion

Witnessing this whole thing, we can conclude two things from it-

  1. First, that Einstein's Theory of Relativity is not just a theory but what he said is absolutely true and the proof is what you read.
  2. Second, that whatever is written in Hindu scriptures and our holy texts in somewhat true.
There are many such incidents which shows the relation of ancient texts and instances to that of scientific discoveries which are occurring in the modern science period.

So, at the end, it is necessary that we respect our history and ancient period as we still don't know exactly how great it was then our ongoing researches in any field.

Thanks A Lot For Reading.

                                                                  -Parth Mittal


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